Competitor Intelligence

Make detailed analysis to target competitors, conduct benchmarking in the operation, production, sales, cost, technology and strategy of target competitors, help clients acquire a deep understanding of competitors, formulate corresponding tactics, gain advantages in market competition and upgrade market position 

•        Overall operation: company size, ownership and organizational structure

•        Business operation analysis

‒      Sales revenue

‒      Market and sales management

‒      Channel management

‒      Pricing tactics

‒      Strategic planning (major products and downstream markets, etc.)

•        Production operation analysis

‒      Plant operation (major products and applications, production capacity and operating rates, expansion plans, etc.)

‒      Supply chain management

‒      Production cost analysis (raw materials, labor, depreciation, utilities such as water, power and gas, wastes treatment and profit/revenue models, etc.)

•        Overall analysis

‒      Summarize strengths and weaknesses of competitors in various aspects through above analyses

‒      Provide recommendations to clients (major success factors, opportunities and challenges)